Mira Industrietechnik(industrial technologie) GmbH
What does Mira Industrietechnik GmbH offer its customers?
- Metalworking services
- Welding services
- Construction planning
- Facility services
- Electrical engineering since 2006
- Building care and administrative services
- Specialist placement since 2004/2005
- Industrial and commercial cleaning
- Taifun air technology since 2014
- Industrial technology
- Materials handling technology
- Noack plant engineering since 2014
- Scaffolding since 2015
- UVV inspections of crane and transport equipment and hub and traction devices Chain testing
- sling gear
- New equipment installation
- Air leak testing and localizing
- Preventative maintenance and repair work
- Chemical cleaning
- dry Ice Blasting
- Gate and door services
- Automated appointment tracking
- Documentation including calculation of the remaining service life related to crane system hoists
- Live voltage work (AuS) up to 1000 VAC or 1500 VDC
- Combined dry and wet cleaning of all active and non-active parts
- Thermographic imaging
- Cleaning of electrical systems
- Cleaning of transformer stations up to 36 kV (also performed as live work under voltage)
- Cleaning of low voltage systems and frequency converters
- Transformer oil sampling under voltage including lab oil analysis
- Lining of transformer oil pits with foil according to WHG and many more.
At Mira Industrietechnik GmbH we employ professional engineers, technical managers, craftsmen, millwrights, electricians and auxiliary staff. Our team has grown to over 90 skilled employees who are ready to fulfill our customers’ needs.
For the safety and health of our employees, we strictly conform to the work safety regulations required by the employers' liability insurance association.
Mira Industrietechnik GmbH is also a training company. We train in the areas of metal construction, electrical engeneering and business activities in order to give young people the opportunity to further their professional education.
The following companies are part of the Mira Group:
- 2014 Acquisition of Taifun Lufttechnik and Noack Anlagenbau
- 2016 Acquisition of Grosste company
The increasing development in technology has brought our CEO Haci-Kaya Ören to an innovative idea. He developed and patented a grinding tool with upgrade functions, to bring many advantages to its users due to its unique flexibility.